Monday 18 November 2013

Harlow is missing!!!

I feel like the shittiest pet owner ever. I had company over Friday night until Saturday early morning, he left. I usually go out and check the gate to make sure it's properly closed but this time I didn't. Nothing happened, Harlow went outside as usual and always came back. Except for today Sunday around 2pm I let her outside again for the second time today and when I went to go get her she didn't come. Harlow always comes when you shake the treat bag, something wasn't right so I moved towards the gate and it was open.

Harlow had escaped. The thing about Shiba Inu's is they're not off leash dogs, if you want your dog to be off leash you make sure you are in a fenced in dog park. They're hunting dogs. Great for hunting, but are they for finding their way back home?

I quickly went to see if maybe she was in the front, nothing. I called my friend crying, she said she'll come home it's okay. I went a drove around, I posted ad's on Kijiji, Facebook. Called the city, 24 hour animal vet nothing. After my drive, I came home and began a walking search, no one had seen her. I couldn't even see her, she must be long gone by now. Hours went by, friends came over to help me search and still nothing. It's now 1am, 11 hours of her being outside in the cold. Yes she made for the winter but for long periods?

I feel helpless, worried, scared and one hell of a shitty dog owner. Part of me keeps thinking she'll come home, hell if my friends min pin/chu dog could find her way home after 5 hours of being gone chasing bunnies, why couldn't my little Harlow? But it's night time now, she doesn't like the dark, she barks at everything even a tiny leaf flying on the ground.

What if she got hit by a car? Some people are assholes and will purposely try and hit animals for the hell of it...

What if someone found her and wants to keep her? Then again if they have to take her to get fixed, or any animal vets she'd go to they'd scan her microchip and realize she was a missing dog.
Also my friend said Harlow is quite the little diva hell raiser (I don't see it lol) she says no one would be able to handle her for more than a day...(heres hoping!)

Just what if I never get to see her again, hold her, bug her. Have her randomly bark at me because she wants something. I ignore her because it's so cute when she's trying to communicate with me through her noises.

I'm just really sad about it. This is what it must feel like when people's children go missing...

Anyways I'll keep you all updated if Harlow is found...I really hope she comes home safely.

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